Setting up a Robotiq 2F gripper and UR10 for Moveit Noetic

Working image

It is worth loading the gripper and the robot arm together in Moveit, because we can easily control its position based on APIs that Moveit provides.

1. Condition

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS 64-bit
  • Robot: UR10 (CB series)
  • Gripper: Robotiq 2F-85
  • Moveit: Moveit Noetic

2. Helpful websites

  • Serru’s github (Go)

    The guideline was based on ROS Kinetic Kame.

3. Prerequisite

  • You need to have a URDF file in which UR10 is connected to Robotiq 2F gripper. If not, please follow this.

4. Steps

4.1. Launch Moveit! Setup Assistant

$ roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch

Moveit Setup Assistant

4.2. Load URDF file

Load URDF file

Click “Create New Moveit Configuration Package” and select the URDF file.

4.3. Self-Collisions

Self collisions

On the left tabs, click “Self Collisions”. On its bottom of the window, click “linear view”, and click “Generate Collision Matrix”.

4.4. Virtual Joints

Define Virtual Joints

On the left tabs, click “Virtual Joints”. Then, click “Add Virtual Joint”.

World joint

Type as the above figure shows.

4.5. Planning Groups

Define planning groups

On the left tabs, click “Planning Groups”. And then, click “Add Group”.


I am going to set two groups. One is “manipulator” and the other is “gripper”. Please type as the above figure shows. Next, click “Add Kin. Chain” button.

Set manipulator's base and tip link

Make sure of the manipulator’s base link and tip link. Later, click “Save”.

Add group

Next, you need to make the other group for the gripper. Click “Add Group” button.


Type as the above figure shows. Then, click "Add Joints".

Add finger joint

Select “gripper_finger_joint”. Then, click “Save”.

Final check

Double-check if your setup is same as the above figure.

4.6. Robot Poses

Robot Poses

In this step, you can pre-define the poses of the robot. Click “Add Pose”.

Home pose

Make the “home” pose by setting the joint angles. Then, click “Save”.

Gripper open

It is time to pre-defin the gripper. Click “Add Pose” and type as the above figure shows. Then, click “Save”.

Gripper close

Let’s pre-define “gripper-close”.

4.7. End Effectors

End effector

It is time to define the end-effector. Click “Add End Effector”.

Define eef

Set as the above figure shows. Click “Save”.

4.8. Passive Joints

The gripper is basically 1 degree of freedom (just from open to close). Therefore, we need to restrict unnecessary movements in the gripper. Because the gripper moves by controlling "gripper_finger_joint", and the other parts follows as the joint moves. Therefore, we need to set such parts as passive joints.

Define passive joints

Set as the above figure shows.

4.9. Controllers

Setup controllers

This program will automatically assign the controllers. Click “Auto Add FollowJointsTrajectory…” button.

4.10. Simulation

Gazebo simulation

If you click “Simulation” in the left tab, you need to decide if you want to overwrite some codes for Gazebo simulations. I recommend to overwrite.

4.11. Author Information


Include your information.

4.12. Configuration files

This program will generate a package so that you can launch the UR10 + gripper in Moveit.

You first need to create a folder under catkin_ws/src. I set the package name as ur10_gripper_moveit.

~/catkin_ws/src$ mkdir ur10_gripper_moveit

Generate configuration

Click “Browse” button and locate the ur10_gripper_moveit folder. Next, click “Generate Package”.

5. Lauch Moveit!

You first need to build the catkin workspace. Locate under catkin_ws and execute the below.

~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make

You can try to launch any predefined files. They are under catkin_ws/src/ur10_gripper_moveit/launch.

I would like to try demo.launch.

$ roslaunch ur10_gripper_moveit demo.launch


You should see like the above figure. Feel free to move the gripper and manipulator.