Install UR10 (CB-series) on ROS Noetic

1. Conditions

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS 64-bit
  • Robot: UR10 (CB series)
  • Polyscope version: 3.15.8

2. Install ROS Noetic

Please follow the official instructuion.

3. Install Moveit 1 - Noetic

Please remember that all packages (e.g., Moveit) should be downloaded in src folder of your workspace. In addition, I assume that your workspace is set as ~/catkin_ws

First of all, please follow the official instruction until the section called Create A Catkin Workspace and Download MoveIt Source.

You need to remove panda_moveit_config folder in ~/catkin_ws/src, and keep following the section Download Example Code.

4. Install “Universal Robots ROS Driver”

Please follow the official instruction.

I had tried to set up for real-time control by updating the kernel, but no solution was successful so far on the virtual OS. Therefore, I skipped the part.

However, it is important to take step on Extract calibration information section. Once you created “my_robot_calibration.yaml” file, you should follow this page.

After creating example_organization_ur_launch, go to ~/catkin_ws and execute catkin_make. Next, go to ~/catkin_ws/src/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver/ur_robot_driver/launch and open ur10_bringup.launch file (such as, gedit ur10_bringup.launch).

Finally, modify two places.

<arg name="robot_ip" default="" doc="IP address by which the robot can be reached."/>

Please change “” to the robot’s ip address.

<arg name="kinematics_config" default="$(find example_organization_ur_launch)/etc/ur10_calibration_file.yaml" doc="Kinematics config file used for calibration correction. This will be used to verify the robot's calibration is matching the robot_description."/>

Please change ur10_calibration_file.yaml to your calibration file in ~/catkin_ws/example_organization_ur_launch/etc.

5. Test the UR10 on ROS using a Python code

5.1. Controlling joints in Rviz

source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ur_robot_driver ur10_bringup.launch

Go to the teach pandent and “Load Program” -> select “ExternalControl.urp” -> click “Play” button. You should see the following texts in the terminal.

[ INFO] [1673022143.409260151]: Robot requested program
[ INFO] [1673022143.409319641]: Sent program to robot
[ INFO] [1673022143.712384573]: Robot connected to reverse interface. Ready to receive control commands.

Open another terminal and execute the following.

rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

You may need to install rqt_joint_trajectory_controller by running: sudo apt install ros-<ROS-DISTRO>-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller

rqt controller

Click the “Turning on” button and see if the UR arm is moving as the joint value changes.

In addition, make a note with the six joint values.

Download this file and save it in ~/catkin_ws/src/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver/ur_robot_driver/scripts.

Open the Python file and change the position informations. In particular, #20, #71-76, #96-137. I changed the file name to Important!! Depending on the value, the UR arm can harm you! Be careful of setting the value.

To test the Python code, execute each line in each terminal:

$ roslaunch ur10_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch
$ roslaunch ur10_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch rviz_config:=$(rospack find ur10_moveit_config)/launch/moveit.rviz
$ rosrun ur_robot_driver